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. 2005 Oct 19;2005(4):CD005564. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD005564

1. Risk of bias of each included studya.

Study Allocation sequence generation Allocation concealment Blinding Inclusionb
Krudsood 2003 Not described Not described No Inadequate
Lefevre 2001 Not described Not described No Adequate
Mayxay 2004 Not described Adequate No Adequate
Mutabingwa 2005 Adequate Adequate No Adequate
Ndayiragije 2004 Not described Not described No Adequate
Piola 2005 Adequate Adequate No Adequate
Stohrer 2004 Not described Adequate No Adequate
Sutherland 2005 Not described Adequate Single Inadequate
Van Vugt 2000 Not described Adequate No Inadequate

aInclusion of all randomized participants in the analysis; see the 'Methods of the review' for the assessment methods, and the 'Characteristics of included studies' for the methods used in each trial.