Fig 3. Results for the probability of immediate fixation across three experiments.
Each column depicts data from a different experiment or experimental condition. For each of these, two separate intercept-only GLMMs were fitted, the first one comparing semantically related objects with unrelated objects (top row, red bars), and the second one comparing semantically related objects with visually related objects (bottom row, blue bars). The two subplots on the left show the results for a condition from Experiment 2 in which the visually related object was replaced with a second unrelated object. In each facet, the height of the bar represents the estimate for the fixed-effect intercept. The zero line represents the intercept under the null hypothesis. In the analyses represented by the red bars, a positive estimate corresponds to a higher probability for semantically related than for unrelated objects. In the analyses represented by the blue bars, a negative estimate corresponds to a lower probability for semantically related than for visually related objects. Error bars are 95% confidence intervals; thus, the effect is significant if the error bar does not include 0.