Figure 2.
Glycome Analyses of Chelator- and Alkali-Soluble Fractions of Isolated Cell Walls of Arabidopsis and Maize.
Glycome profiles of fractions obtained by sequential extraction of isolated cell walls, followed by screening of the wall extracts against a collection of plant glycan-directed mAbs. Relative intensities of binding of mAbs are represented as heatmaps, with bright yellow depicting strongest intensity and black depicting undetected. Classes of polysaccharides and glycan epitopes are indicated on the right by small colored boxes. The list of mAbs for each polysaccharide class can be found in Supplemental Figure 2. Lanes represent the relative abundance of polysaccharide epitopes extracted sequentially with hot ammonium oxalate (Amm Oxal), followed by 0.1 M, 1.0 M, and 4.0 M NaOH.