(A) Right, schematic of the experimental design used to probe STP profiles on a single MLI following compound stimulations of GC-MLI synapses. In this example, synaptic responses in a BC were recorded upon stimulations (10 pulses at 100 Hz) of three different clusters of GCs (stimulation in GCL, green symbols) and two different beams of PFs (red symbols). Left, Corresponding compound EPSC responses recorded in the BC following stimulations of the five different locations showed on the schematic. Depending of the location of the stimulation pipette, compound EPSC responses either facilitated or depressed. (B) Mean EPSC responses recorded in BC (triangles) or in SC (circles) following compound stimulations of beams of PFs (pink triangle for BCs, n = 9 and pink circles for SCs, n = 6) or clusters of GC soma (blue triangles for BCs, n = 11 and blue circles for SCs, n = 9).