Binding of PGRP-SA and PGRP-LC to Purified and Quantified Peptidoglycan
(A) PGRP-SA was able to bind to DAP-type PG in PBS and HemoBuffer.
(B) Binding of PGRP-LC to the same type of PG was statistically higher, indicating a preference for DAP-type PG.
(C) In contrast, binding of the two PGRPs to S. aureus PG was statistically indistinguishable (when comparing binding assays in HemoBuffer). This was not the case in saturation experiments, however as seen in Figure S5. Binding of the two PGRPs to TagO versus parental strain PG was statistically indistinguishable, indicating that the PG itself did not change when WTAs were removed.
PG quantified as in Method Details. Bars in all of the graphs represent mean values, with error bars showing SDs. Statistical significance (p < 0.005) was determined through the Student’s t test.