Figure 6.
Growth of WTA-less S. aureus and B. subtilis Inside the Host Depend on Both PGRPs, in Contrast to Wild-Type Bacteria
(A) The growth of wild-type S. aureus was statistically indistinguishable between PGRP-SAseml and PGRP-SAseml; PGRP-LCΔE12 flies, except in the later stage of infection (36 h).
(B) S. aureusΔTagO in wild-type flies showed a significant difference in the dynamics of pathogen clearance compared to S. aureus wild type, with the ΔTagO mutant being cleared rather than restricted. However, S. aureusΔTagO was able to grow significantly more in PGRP-SAseml; PGRP-LCΔE12 than in PGRP-SAseml flies at 24 and 36 h, showing a dependence on both PGRPs.
(C) Growth of wild-type B. subtilis was dependent on PGRP-LC only, since bacterial growth in PGRP-LCΔE12 versus PGRP-SAseml; PGRP-LCΔE12 was statistically indistinguishable.
(D) B. subtilisΔTagO grew better in PGRP-SAseml; PGRP-LCΔE12 than in single PGRP-LCΔE12 mutant flies, indicating that both receptors participated in restricting growth when WTA was removed.
CFU comparisons were determined by Student’s t test, in which ∗p < 0.05 and ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001 indicate significance value. ns, non-significant.