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Table 5. Summary of three second-generation renal denervation randomized sham-controlled proof-of-concept trials.

Patients (n) 80 146 80
Age (years) 54 54 53
System applied SPYRAL (Medtronic) PARADISE (ReCor Medical) SPYRAL (Medtronic)
Inclusion criteria Office SBP ≥ 150 and < 180 mmHg, office DBP ≥ 90 mmHg, and 24-h SBP ≥ 140 and < 170 mmHg, no antihypertensive meds Daytime ambulatory BP ≥ 135/85 mmHg and < 170/105 mmHg, no anti-hypertensive meds Office SBP ≥ 150 and < 180 mmHg, office DBP ≥ 90 mmHg; and 24-h SBP ≥ 140 and < 170 mmHg, 1-3 antihypertensive meds
Baseline office BP (mmHg)* 162/101 ± 7/7 155/100 ± 14/8 164/101 ± 7/7
Baseline 24-h BP (mmHg)* 153/99 ± 8/8 144/88 ± 9/6 152/98 ± 7/8
No. of antihypertensive meds* 0 0 000.2.2 ± 0.9
Change 24-h SBP vs. sham (mmHg), # months of f/u -4.6 (-9.2 to 0.1), 3 -4.1 (-7.1 to -1.2), 2 -7.0 (-12.0 to -2.1), 6
Change 24-h SBP vs. baseline (mmHg), # months of f/u -5.5 (-9.1 to -2.0), 3 -7.0 (-9.0 to -5.0), 2 -9.0 (-12.7 to -5.3), 6
Change office SBP vs. sham (mmHg), # months of f/u -7.1 (-13.2 to -1.1), 3 -6.5 (-11.3 to -1.8), 2 -6.6 (-12.4 to -0.9), 6
Change office SBP vs. baseline (mmHg), # months of f/u -10.0 (-15.1 to -4.9), 3 -10.8 (-13.9 to -7.7), 2 -9.4 (-13.5 to -5.3), 6
Major adverse events (%) 0 0 0

BP, blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; f/u, follow-up; SBP, systolic blood pressure.

* Mean ± standard deviation, # Mean (95% confidence interval).