Additional file 3: Video 2. GNb-LARGECO1.2 detects local changes in [Ca2+] at the surface of mitochondria expressing TOM20-GFP. The video shows GNb-LARGECO1.2 fluorescence (488-nm TIRFM excitation). Histamine (100 μM, added at 60 s) causes local rises in [Ca2+]c at the OMM of individual mitochondria in the perinuclear region (cyan box in Fig. 4d), but not in peripheral regions (e.g. yellow box in Fig. 4d). Ionomycin (5 μM) was added at 3 min. The video was acquired at 1 Hz and is shown at 33 fps. The clock is in min:s. Relates to Fig. 4d–f. (MP4 2807 kb)