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. 2019 May 10;7(2):e12596. doi: 10.2196/12596

Table 1.

Synonym classification experiments on 607 phenotypic phrases extracted from 228 PubMed abstracts. Largest values for each category are italicized.

Method Accuracy (%)

R@1a R@5b
PhenoTips 28.9 49.3
NCRc 51.6 80.6
NCR-Hd 45.5 69.8
NCR-Ne 55.8 78.2
NCR-HNf 50.2 71.8

aR@1: recall using top 1 result from each method.

bR@5: recall using top 5 results from each method.

cNCR: Neural Concept Recognizer.

dNCR-H: variation of the NCR model that ignores taxonomic relations.

eNCR-N: variation of the NCR model that has not been trained on negative samples.

fNCR-HN: variation of the NCR model that ignores the taxonomy and has not been trained on negative examples.