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. 2019 May 10;3(2):e13324. doi: 10.2196/13324

Table 2.

A summary of the behavior change techniques selected, their context within the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation and Behavior framework, and their application within the platform (continued).

Capability, Opportunity, Motivation and Behavior Framework Description of behavioral determinant Behavior change techniquea Application within the program
Standard app Gamified app Social support (Facebook) group


Cues to action;
Intervention function: Environmental restructuring
Providing reminders to consume vegetables to increase the likelihood of practicing the behavior; Creating healthy triggers within the environment to support increased vegetable consumption Prompts/cues b Providing tips on the Facebook page on how to maximize exposure to vegetables as a means of increasing consumption such as “Take your forgotten veg out of that bottom fridge draw and place on the top shelf so you’re reminded to cook with them”

Cues to action;
Intervention function: Enablement
Providing weekly challenges to increase vegetable intake Graded tasks Challenge based on personal opportunities, for example, add veg to breakfast


Social support;
Intervention function: Enablement
Instigating positive peer rivalry to encourage vegetable intake Social support (practical) Competitions such as best cooked vegetable dish, quirkiest vegetable of the week between peers on the Facebook page


Cognitive strategies;
Intervention function: Persuasion
Restructuring beliefs and perceived barriers by debunking myths about vegetables, for example, bad taste Framing/reframing Myth busting articles encouraging participants to reevaluate beliefs, for example, Top 5 ways to enjoy the taste of vegetables


Goal setting and self-monitoring;
Intervention function: Enablement
Setting SMARTc goals for increasing vegetable intake Goal setting (behavior); Review behavior goal(s) App prompts user to set goal for vegetables serves/day, personalized based on current intake so it is achievable. Can assess progress against goal and recommended intake in review page App prompts user to set goal for vegetables serves/day, personalized based on current intake so it is achievable. Can assess progress against goal and recommended intake in review page

aBased on Susan Michie’s Behavior Change Taxonomy behavior change techniques [40].

cSMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.

bNot applicable.