Figure 3.
Kaplan-Meier plots of survival probabilities, stratifying the overall sample by sex: shorter survival time is displayed in ALS-C9Pos patients (red line) compared to ALSwoGM patients (green line) only for males. (A) (male): Log-rank χ2 = 4.33, p = 0.037; median survival was 35 months (95% CI 26–44) for ALS-C9Pos (n = 47), and 44 months (95% CI 40–48) for ALSwoGM (n = 681). (B) (female): Log-rank χ2 = 0.43, p = 0.510; median survival was 37 months (95% CI 26–47) for ALS-C9Pos (n = 37), and 42 months (95% CI 37–46) for ALSwoGM (n = 559). +: censored cases.