Each rater is represented by a symbol with “/”, “X”, and “⊗” representing agreement among the three raters. Presence of the “X” symbol indicates that two (of three) raters were in perfect agreement for a given case, and presence of the “⊗” symbol indicates that all three raters were in perfect agreement. The “/” symbol indicates that a single rater provided a different assessment than the other raters. For included cases, the vertical line segment connects the minimum and maximum scores for a single patient. The figure is stratified into four panels by instrumentation group. Within each panel, scoring disagreement (as measured by the length of the line segments) increases from left to right; non-contributing cases (≥2 N/As) are placed furthest to the right. Multiple cases straddle a previously defined score indicating union (mRUST=13 (blue line)). Thirty-nine (18%) cases had ≥1 score above and another score below the threshold (IMN: 15%, None: 38%, Plate: 0%, Ring: 17%).
“IMN” indicates intramedullary nail; “None” indicates cases with no instrumentation seen on rated radiographs; “N/A” indicates that a score could not be computed; Alpha indicates Krippendorff’s Alpha; ICC indicates Intraclass Correlation Coefficient