(A) Experimental design: 10-week old AdipoChaser-mT/mG female mice were put on a doxycycline chow diet for 7 days to ensure that Tomato expression is turned on in all mature adipocytes. After doxycycline treatment, mice were switched back to regular chow diet for a week to ensure washout of doxycycline. Thereafter, mice were bred with male mice to undergo pregnancy and lactation. BrdU injection was performed at the indicated time points. (B-C) Representative Immunofluorescence staining shows GFP (green), BrdU (red), and DAPI (blue) in the mammary gland during pregnancy (day 20) (B) and involution (pups removed from lactating female on lactation day 10, 3 days after weaning) (C). White arrow: co-localization of GFP and BrdU in the same cell. Yellow arrow: dividing cell with GFP and BrdU co-localization. Scale bar: 50 μm. n = 3 mice per group. This experiment is representative of 4 independent experiments.