The classic, highly structured choice-from-array task with novel emotion
categories. Pre-recorded material presented over headphones is depicted in light
gray boxes; verbal interactions with the experimenter are presented in dark gray
boxes. A. Manipulation check: Participants listened to a scenario
in their native language and were then asked to describe how the protagonist in
the story feels. B. Perception trials blocked by emotion category.
Following the manipulation check for a given emotion category, participants
completed a block of trials for that category. On every trial, participants
listened to the scenario again followed by target and foil vocalizations.
Vocalizations were played, one at a time, with an icon presented concurrently on
either the left or right side of the screen (no words were present on screen).
Participants touched an icon to select a vocalization. Once a trial was
complete, participants completed another trial from the same emotion category.
Targets were presented randomly on the left or right within a block.