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. 2019 Feb 20;23(6):1494–1507. doi: 10.1007/s10461-019-02410-1

Table 1.

Socio-demographic and sexual behavioural characteristics of young FSW by age, 2013 (N = 656) and 2016 (N = 503) (RDS-II weighted)

2013 (N = 656) 2016 (N = 503)
18–19 years 20–24 years 18–19 years 20–24 years
N = 109 N = 547 N = 51 N = 452
n (%) n (%) N (%) n (%)
Marital status
 Married/ living together as if married 0 0.0 3 0.5 1 0.8 3 1.6
 Divorced/ separated 45 37.5 343 64.9 19 49.5 294 66.4
 Widowed 0 0.0 19 2.8 1 0.8 8 1.0
 Never been married 64 62.6 182 31.7 30 49.0 147 31.0
Highest level of education
 None 1 1.4 8 1.9 0 0.0 6 2.1
 Primary level 38 34.8 106 21.3 13 30.4 87 22.1
 Some secondary 52 49.0 229 44.3 28 55.8 178 39.2
 Complete secondary or higher 17 14.8 203 32.5 10 13.9 181 36.6
 Shona 85 68.3 427 74.0 41 81.3 334 71.9
 Ndebele 18 24.3 47 11.4 7 10.5 48 11.2
 Kalanga 0 0.0 11 1.4 0 0.0 1 0.1
 Other 6 7.4 62 13.3 3 8.1 68 16.8
 Christian 56 57.2 267 49.0 32 62.1 263 53.2
 Muslim 0 0.0 2 0.4 1 0.8 3 1.1
 African traditional 0 0.0 1 0.2 0 0.0 1 0.2
 Other 11 14.6 35 6.2 8 10.5 54 13.8
 No religion 42 28.1 241 44.1 10 26.6 131 31.7
Number of children
 0 46 46.4 152 30.6 23 43.2 119 30.3
 1–2 52 47.4 329 59.3 26 54.4 268 54.9
 3 + 11 6.2 66 10.2 2 2.4 65 14.8
No food for one day in the past month
 No 70 63.0 325 60.0 36 67.4 308 67.7
 Yes 39 37.0 222 40.0 15 32.6 143 32.3
Age at start of sex work
 ≤ 15 19 16.2 26 5.6 9 18.6 21 5.9
 16–17 56 51.8 63 9.6 32 69.7 68 12.6
 18–24 34 32.0 458 84.7 10 11.7 362 81.5
Duration in sex work (years)
 0–2 82 79.7 300 60.5 36 71.4 204 46.7
 3–4 22 15.6 165 26.0 14 28.2 161 34.5
 ≥ 5 5 4.7 82 13.5 1 0.4 86 18.8
Number of clients in the last week
 0–4 47 55.8 225 46.4 21 42.7 181 41.4
 5–9 24 17.7 141 26.8 16 22.6 136 29.2
 ≥ 10 38 26.5 181 26.9 14 34.7 134 29.5
Relationship with other female sex-workers in one’s location
 Good 63 56.8 323 62.1 36 59.4 295 63.1
 Neither good nor bad 31 28.6 174 28.7 12 31.8 132 33.0
 Bad 8 6.5 32 5.8 1 0.3 15 2.2
 No relationship 7 8.1 18 3.3 2 8.5 9 1.7
No. of female sex-workers who are close friends
 ≤ 1 30 20.6 156 26.6 19 34.2 169 35.2
 2–3 58 61.6 291 55.9 24 57.2 188 44.6
 ≥ 4 21 17.8 100 17.5 8 8.6 94 20.2
Alcohol consumption in the past 12 months
 Never 42 47.4 184 36.1 19 30.7 131 31.4
 Once a month or less 8 5.9 59 12.5 3 7.4 35 6.4
 2–4 times per month 14 9.2 77 13.7 4 2.3 51 11.8
 2–3 times per week 23 20.4 79 13.1 13 27.1 116 27.2
 4 or more times per week 22 16.9 148 24.6 12 32.4 118 23.2
Symptoms of common mental disorder
 No 58 53.3 268 51.4 41 84.8 311 68.2
 Yes 51 46.7 276 48.6 10 15.2 138 31.8
Experience of physical violence from steady partner
 No 63 62.7 305 59.5 27 50.4 242 58.3
 Yes 46 37.3 242 40.5 24 49.6 209 41.7
Experience of physical violence from client
 No 82 77.1 397 76.2 29 52.6 327 75.9
 Yes 27 22.9 150 23.8 22 47.4 124 24.1
Ever forced to have sexual intercourse
 No 100 90.4 528 96.4 46 90.7 412 89.9
 Yes 9 9.6 19 3.6 5 9.3 39 10.1
Self-reported HIV status
 Negative 80 85.0 403 82.8 43 86.8 354 74.7
 Positive 12 15.0 100 17.2 5 13.2 88 25.3
Rapid HIV test result
 Negative 80 73.3 339 63.0 39 79.3 290 62.0
 Positive 28 26.7 208 37.0 12 20.7 161 38.0
Knowledge of HIV positive statusa
 No 18 55.4 116 61.0 9 45.7 77 38.1
 Yes 10 44.6 92 39.0 3 54.3 84 61.9

aProportion reported HIV positive among those who tested HIV positive during the survey