Plasmid structural analysis of Canadian S. Dublin isolates. (A) Alignment of contigs with high sequence identity to hybrid (top, pN13-01125; NCBI accession number KX815983.1) and nonhybrid (bottom, pN13-01070-1; NCBI accession number MK205416.1) plasmid reference sequences. Plasmid regions common to both pN13-01125 and pN13-01070 (>98% nucleotide identity) are linked by trapezoids, while regions with sequence inversions are linked by double triangles. The CDSs for each reference sequence are drawn as arrows and color coded by gene function, as indicated in the key on the left. The IS26 transposase is marked with a black dot. Truncated CDSs are outlined with a dotted line, and the full-length gene is outlined in a solid line (see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material for a structural comparison of plasmid reference sequences). The similarity of plasmid sequences was judged by the extent of coverage between isolates, expressed as a Jaccard distance, and displayed as a neighbor-joining tree; percent identity of aligned contigs is color coded according to the key on the left (NF, region not found). (B) The plasmids in two isolates (N13-01154 and N13-01169) were localized to the chromosome, and the plasmid insertion sites were mapped; repeat sequences at the boundaries of insertion sites are indicated.