FIG 1.
Proposed interpretation of binding patterns of Hain Lifescience GenoType MTBC. Eight binding patterns are possible for samples that contain a single strain of MTBC or M. canettii. The first binding pattern is not currently included in the package insert of the GenoType MTBC (5, 9). With the exception of pattern 4 for Mycobacterium microti, the interpretations of the remaining patterns were updated to include information about intrinsic resistance to antibiotics and/or to reflect the improved understanding of the phylogenetic diversity among the causative agents of TB. More information about clade A1 can be found elsewhere (6). Additional binding patterns are possible for samples that are negative, contain other bacteria, or when the assay was not carried out correctly (in these cases, one or more of the conjugate control [CC], universal control [UC], or MTBC bands would be negative [5]).