Schematic figure of the major differences between the repMP2/3 elements situated within the P1 adhesion gene. Variants 2a, 2b, and 2e are compared to type 2 according to the position of strain Mac (CP010550.1). The gray bars indicate the inserted parts of the repMP2/3-a element that characterize each of the variant strains. The insertions are identical to the corresponding positions: 128382 to 128906 (variant 2b, DQ383277.1), 128382 to 128954 (variant 2e, MK330954), and 128688 to 128954 (variant 2a, AB024618.1), except for 12 bp, which shows a deletion at positions 128751 to 128762 (indicated by a black mark) in variants 2a and 2e.