Expression of Endocannabinoid-degrading Enzymes MGL, FAAH in Prefrontal Cortex of WT or DβH-KO Mice. A. Representative Western blot analysis shows MGL and FAAH expression. B. Quantification of MGL expression levels in PFC of WT or DβH-KO mice. C. Quantification of FAAH expression levels in PFC of WT or DβH-KO mice. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. Values with single or multiple asterisks are significantly different (p < 0.05, p < 0.0001, respectively) from each other. Tukey's multiple comparison test was run after two-way ANOVA. Male WT (n = 9), female WT (n = 6), male DβH-KO (n = 9), female DβH-KO (n = 6).