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. 2019 May 21;15:1329–1341. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S199927

Table 4.

Absolute frequencies of persons and relative percentages with cognitive impairment by group

Neuropsychological variables Long-term ED Short-term ED Senior control Junior control Contrast of frequencies on WCI in all groups WCI proportions comparison between groups (z-scores) Effect size
n %WCI n %WCI n %WCI n %WCI X2 df=3
Matrix Rotationa
Test Number 13 39.3 3 8.8 2 6.1 1 3.0 14.52*** 2.93** 3.23** 1.01 .36 ¦.40 ¦ - -
Name Cost 9 28.1 5 15.2 2 6.5 2 6.5 7.33 1.27 2.26* 0.00 - - ¦ .28 ¦ - -
Color cost 11 34.4 2 6.1 2 6.5 2 6.5 14.29*** 2.85** 2.74** -0.06 .35 ¦.34 ¦ - -
Trail Making Testb
Part A 12 36.4 5 15.2 5 15.6 6 18.8 4.85 1.97* 1.90 -0.38 .24 ¦ - - ¦ - -
Part B 16 48.5 7 21.2 5 15.6 5 15.6 10.03* 2.32* 2.83** 0.58 .28 ¦ .35 ¦ - -
Tower of London (ToL)a
Total 9 29.0 2 6.3 4 12.5 2 6.3 7.71 2.38* 1.62 0.00 .30 ¦ - - ¦ - -
Invalid 4 12.1 2 5.7 2 6.7 2 6.9 1.20 0.93 0.73 -0.19 - - ¦ - - ¦ - -
Neutral 6 18.2 1 2.9 2 6.7 2 6.9 5.36 2.07* 1.37 -0.76 .25 ¦ - - ¦ - -
Valid 7 21.2 6 17.1 2 6.7 2 6.9 4.88 0.43 1.65 1.23 - - ¦ - - ¦ - -
Rey Figurea X2 df=1 c1 (z-scores) c1
Copy 0 0.0 0 0.0 - - - - - - - - - -
Memory Total 12 36.4 1 4.2 - - - - 9.30** 2.86** .38
Delayed Recall Total 10 30.3 2 8.3 - - - - 5.33* 2.01* .26
Vocabulary Test 0 0.0 0 0.0 - - - - -
Part A 18 60.0 14 43.8 - - 0.27 1.28 -
Part B 27 90.0 23 71.9 - - 0.75 1.80 -

Notes: aFisher’s Exact test; bChi-squared test; *p<.05; **p<.010; ***p<.001; Φ=Effect size for contingency table analysis.

Abbreviations: WCI, with cognitive impairment; c1, long-TermED vs short-term ED; c2, long-term ED vs senior control; c3, short-term ED vs junior control.