Figure 3.
Chromatographic profile of crude Rhinella marina poison and electrophoretic profile of fractions from molecular exclusion chromatography. (a) Chromatographic profile of the crude poison of R. marina in a column (Superdex Peptide 10x30 cm) of molecular exclusion. The interest fraction Superdex Rm01 and its electrophoretic profile in reducing conditions. (b) MW: 200 kDa (Myosin); 120 kDa (β-Galactosidase); 91 kDa (Bovine Serum); 62 kDa (Glutamate); 46 kDa (Ovalbumin); 38 kDa (Carbonic anhydrase); 26 kDa (Myoglobin); 19 kDa (lysozyme); and 9 kDa (Aprotinin).