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. 2019 Apr 26;53:45. doi: 10.11606/S1518-8787.2019053000457

Table 3. Antenatal care, delivery and child immunization according to vaccination card before (2012) and during (2014) the LIACC intervention in Santo Antônio do Monte, Brazil.

Variable 2012 2014 χ2 test (p-value)

n % n %
Antenatal care and delivery

ANC provider            
FHT 130 72.63 114 75.00 0.132 NS
Other professionals of SUS 11 6.15 3 1.97    
Private 38 21.23 35 23.03    
At least 6 ANC visits, since she did the ANC 158 91.33 144 96.64 0.049 b
Early prenatal care, since she did the ANC 156 85.16 144 94.12 0.008 a
Antenatal care tests            
Blood test 180 98.36 153 100.00 0.112 NS
Toxoplasmosis test 150 81.97 138 90.20 0.061 NS
Urine test 178 97.27 153 100.00 0.039 b
HIV and syphilis test 167 91.26 146 95.42 0.284 NS
Oral glucose test 61 33.33 93 60.78 0.000 a
Ultrasound test 182 99.45 153 100.00 0.360 NS
Immunized against influenza 142 77.60 115 75.16 0.601 NS
Immunized against tetanus 166 90.71 140 91.50 0.765 NS
Preterm birth 48 26.23 42 27.45 0.527 NS
Vaginal delivery 39 21.31 31 20.26 0.813 NS
C-section scheduled, since the delivery was a c-section 94 65.28 62 50.82 0.017 b
Low birth weight 21 11.67 17 10.97 0.841 NS

Child immunization according to the vaccination card

BCG 157 100.00 131 100.00    
Hepatitis B (HepB) 158 99.37 130 99.24 0.891 NS
Oral polio vaccine (OPV) 158 100.00 121 100.00    
DTP 159 100.00 120 99.17 0.278 NS
Rotavirus 157 99.37 120 100.00 0.372 NS
Pneumococcal 157 100.00 119 100.00    
Meningococcal 159 100.00 119 100.00    
MMR 129 98.47 23 100.00 0.244 NS
Yellow fever 137 100.00 27 100.00    

Source: SAMONTE 24 .

LIACC: Lab for Innovation in Chronic Conditions; ANC: antenatal care; FHT: family health teams; SUS: Brazilian Unified Health System; BCG: vaccine against tuberculosis; DTP: vaccine against diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus; MMR: vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella. The vaccine coverage was calculated based on the number of eligible children for each vaccine according to the children’s age; NS: not significant

a Statistically significant at 1%.

b Statistically significant at 5%.