Time |
Time between quiet sitting and quiet standing. Quiet sit and stand are the last and first time points where the subject is in a seated or standing position and the energy of the torso is effectively zero |
None |
s |
Peak SVA |
Peak sagittal distance between the hip and shoulder centers |
Height |
None |
Horizontal and vertical momentum |
The horizontal and vertical momenta of the torso as seen in the world frame |
Height*Mass |
1/s |
Torque at the lower lumbar spine, hip and knee |
Peak estimated torque at the L5/S1, hip, and knee joints |
Height2*Mass |
Sacral compression and shear |
Peak compressive and shear forces at S1 based on the musculoskeletal model from Chaffin et al. (2006) |
Height*Mass |
Spinal extensor muscle force |
Peak contractile force on the back extensor muscles based on musculoskeletal model from Chaffin et al. (2006) |
Height*Mass |
Flexion and extension of the hip and knee |
Maximum flexion and extension angles of hip and knee joints |
None |
° |
Total motoric energy of the hip and knee |
Integral of the instantaneous power by time over the whole STS action |
Height2*Mass |
Dynamic CoP |
Maximum sagittal distance from the center of the foot to the CoP |
Subject foot length (from allometric scaling) |
None |
Standing CoP |
Distance from the center of the foot to the CoP during quiet standing |
Subject foot length (from allometric scaling) |
None |