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. 2019 May 21;13:154. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00154

Table 1.2.

Main effect results of the ALE meta-analysis for the group of the late bilinguals.

Cluster (area) MNI coordinates Cluster size (voxels) Extrema value
x y z
Late bilinguals
1 L middle occipital gyrus (hOc4lp) −28 −92 4 83 0.039
2 R middle occipital gyrus (hOc4lp) 36 −88 8 70 0.050
3 L inferior occipital gyrus (FG4) −46 −64 −12 180 0.049
4 L superior parietal lobule −26 −64 46 422 0.063
5 R angular gyrus (IPS, hIP3) 30 −62 48 63 0.039
6 L middle temporal gyrus −52 −36 8 30 0.037
7 L inferior frontal gyrus −44 12 28 2,630 0.091
L insula −32 26 −2 0.071
L inferior frontal gyrus (BA 45) −48 28 18 0.070
L inferior frontal gyrus (BA 44) −54 12 10 0.062
L inferior frontal gyrus −50 32 10 0.047
L inferior frontal gyrus (pars orbitaris) −48 38 −8 0.039
L precentral gyrus −50 10 50 0.039
L precentral gyrus −52 2 50 0.033
L precentral gyrus −48 −4 40 0.030
8 L posterior-medial frontal gyrus −2 20 48 842 0.096
9 R insula 36 24 −4 159 0.058
10 R cerebellum (lobule VIIa, crus I) 36 −74 −26 25 0.035
11 R cerebellum (lobule VI) 22 −66 −22 43 0.037

Note. For the anatomical localization the macro-anatomic area is indicated and, when provided, the cytoarchitectonic location is indicated (in parentheses). Analyses were performed with a threshold of p < 0.05 (corrected) and extent threshold of 25 voxels. FG4, Fusiform area; hIP2, hIP3, Horizontal tracts of the intraparietal sulcus; hOc4lp, Lateral occipital cortex; IPS, Intraparietal sulcus.