Noise alters ACh receptor expression in A1 and rostral belt (RB). Cartoon schematic
summarizing the overall effects of noise-induced TTS on both mAChR (red squares) and
nAChR (blue circles) expression in RB and A1. Panel A shows the intact brain with known
thalamocortical projections having separate/discrete A1 (MGv) and RB (MGr) projections.
Note the expected distribution of cholinergic receptors within the intact cortices and
thalamocortical projections. Panel B summarizes the current results and changes in AChR
expression following noise exposure and a TTS in hearing. Note the decrease in mAChR
expression in both A1 and RB at the cortical level on presumed cholinergic interneurons.
Despite a nonsignificant upward trend in expression in A1, nAChR expression increases
only in contralateral (right) RB at the 2 outermost cortical subregions (SG,
supragranular; G, granular; IG, infragranular) in the ipsilateral (light gray) RB (open
blue circle). mAChR indicates muscarinic acetylcholine receptor; MGr, medial geniculate;
MGv, ventral geniculate; nAChR, nicotinic acetylcholine receptor; TTS, temporary
thresholds shifts.