A, Changes in the measurement of blood lactate level from baseline (63.9%) to post-ELC implementation year 1 (71.2%) and year 2 (74.9%), a significant change that crossed the upper control limit (UCL) of the statistical process chart. B, Changes in the use of antibiotics before OR arrival: 57.1% of patients received antibiotics during baseline, which decreased to 56.6% in year 1 and 52.3% in year 2. C, Changes in the percentage of patients who entered the OR within 6 hours of booking, which was 77.2% at baseline but increased to 79.4% in months 16 to 27 and to 80.8% in year 2. D, Changes in the use of GDFT, which was less than 42.3% preoperatively but increased beginning in month 25 onward, a significant change that was sustained and crossed the UCL. The dark blue circles are monthly data readings; the filled orange circles are significant changes on 1 side of the mean line, indicating significance; and the empty orange circles are data points that lead up to significance. If more than 8 points lie on 1 side of the mean line, then the change is significant, which includes empty orange circles and filled orange circles. If the points cross the UCL or the lower control limit (LCL), this is highly significant.