Table 2.
Recommended Assessments for DD/C Evaluations
Broad Ability | Narrow Ability | Initial Subtests | Follow-Up Subtests |
Gf | I-Induction | WISC-IV matrix reasoning | WIAT-III reading comprehension |
Gc | RG-Deduction LS-Listening ability |
WJ-IV-COG analysis synthesis WIAT-III listening comprehension |
KABC-II story completion WJ-IV-ACH oral comprehension |
KO-General information VL-Lexical knowledge |
WISC-IV information WISC-IV vocabulary |
WISC-IV comprehension WISC-IV similarities; word reasoning |
Gsm | MS-Memory Span | WISC-IV digit span forward | WJ-IV-COG memory for words |
MW-Working memory | WISC-IV letter-number sequencing |
WISC-IV digit span backward |
Gv | MV-Visual memory | WJ-IV-COG picture recognition | DAS-II recognition of pictures |
Orthographic processing | Test of Orthographic Competence (TOC) |
Early Reading Assessment (ERA) |
Ga | PC-Phonetic coding U-Speech-sound discrimination |
WIAT-III early reading skills WJ-III diagnostic supplement sound patterns voice |
WJ-IV-COG sound blending WJ-III-DS sound patterns music |
Glr | NA-Rapid naming | WJ-IV-COG rapid picture naming |
NEPSY-II speeded naming |
MA-Associative memory | WJ-IV-COG visual auditory learning |
WJ-III-DS memory for names |
M6-Free recall memory MM-Meaningful memory |
NEPSY-II list memory WJ-IV-ACH story recall |
DAS-II recall of objects WJ-IV-ACH story recall delayed |
GS | RS-Reading speed P-Perceptual speed |
WIAT-III oral reading fluency WISC-IV symbol search |
WIAT-III reading fluency WISC-IV cancellation |
Attention | WJ-IV-COG attention clinical cluster |
NEPSY-II auditory attention and response |
Executive functions |
WJ-IV-COG executive processing cluster |
NEPSY-II animal sorting |
Note. DD/C = dual discrepancy/consistency; Gf = Fluid reasoning; WISC-IV = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Fourth Edition; WIAT-III = Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–Third Edition; Gc = Comprehension-knowledge; WJ-IV-COG = Woodcock-Johnson IV Cognitive Test; KABC-II = Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children–Second Edition; WJ-IV-ACH = Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement; Gsm = short term memory; Gv = Visual processing; DAS-II = Differential Ability Scales–Second Edition; Ga = auditory processing; Glr = long-term storage and retrieval; WJ-III-DS = Woodcock-Johnson III Diagnostic Supplement; NEPSY-II = NEPSY–Second Edition; GS = Processing speed.