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. 2019 May 22;9(5):e023003. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023003

Table 4.

Multinomial logistic regression for the association between ED and HCY, B12 and FA

HCY Binary HCY B12 FA
OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value
 None (IIEF-5=22–25) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 Mild (17–21) 1.081 0.695 to 1.681 0.730 1.246 0.980 to 1.583 0.072 1.694 1.207 to 2.376 0.002 1.180 0.801 to 1.740 0.402
 Moderate (12–16) 1.258 0.649 to 2.439 0.497 1.298 0.896 to 1.880 0.168 1.187 0.715 to 1.972 0.508 0.960 0.519 to 1.776 0.896
 Severe (5–11) 1.259 0.562 to 2.820 0.575 1.258 0.799 to 1.980 0.322 0.891 0.496 to 1.599 0.698 0.923 0.434 to 1.963 0.834
ED—age adjusted
 None (IIEF-5=22–25) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 Mild (17–21) 0.948 0.607 to 1.480 0.814 1.166 0.914 to 1.486 0.217 1.596 1.135 to 2.244 0.007 1.052 0.710 to 1.558 0.800
 Moderate (12–16) 0.929 0.455 to 1.898 0.840 1.095 0.747 to 1.605 0.643 1.409 0.635 to 1.733 0.851 0.762 0.404 to 1.437 0.401
 Severe (5–11) 1.068 0.467 to 2.443 0.876 1.150 0.726 to 1.820 0.552 0.839 0.471 to 1.495 0.551 0.794 0.370 to 1.705 0.554
ED—multivariate adjusted
 None (IIEF-5=22–25) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 Mild (17–21) 0.973 0.621 to 1.524 0.904 1.188 0.929 to 1.517 0.169 1.620 1.141 to 2.300 0.007 1.184 0.775 to 1.808 0.435
 Moderate (12–16) 0.965 0.472 to 1.971 0.922 1.119 0.762 to 1.643 0.567 0.972 0.576 to 1.640 0.915 0.777 0.401 to 1.507 0.456
 Severe (5–11) 1.132 0.491 to 2.613 0.771 1.187 0.748 to 1.885 0.467 0.717 0.388 to 1.324 0.288 0.821 0.368 to 1.831 0.631

Binary HCY: normal HCY (5–15 µmol/L); hyperhomocysteinaemia (>15 µmol/L). The categorical dependent variables were the various ED groups, based on the IIEF-5. The symptoms of ED were divided into None (IIEF-5=22–25), Mild (17–21), Moderate (12–16) and Severe (5–11). The None group (22–25) was treated as the reference. Multivariate adjusted: age, BMI, WHR, smoke and drink.

BMI, body mass index; B12, vitamin B12; ED, erectile dysfunction; FA, folic acid; HCY, homocysteine; IIEF-5, International Index of Erectile Function; WHR, waist:hip ratio.