Fig. 1.
Diagram illustrating dissociation of NMDAR-PSD95/93*-nNOS interaction by ISO or PDZ2WT (active) peptide. *For simplicity, not all PSD-95 family members are represented. Before Exposure, The NMDA receptor is linked to downstream molecules such as nNOS through PSD-95: through its first and second PDZ domain, PSD-95 forms a ternary complex by binding to both the tSXV motif of NMDAR NR2 subunit and to the PDZ domain in nNOS 63. Disrupting NMDAR-PSD-95/93-nNOS complexes can reduce the efficiency by which calcium ions activate the signaling molecule nNOS. After Exposure, This disruption is achieved by exposure to inhalational anesthetics25, 26 or the intracellular introduction of PDZ2WT peptide 64; this is expected to bind to NMDAR NR2 65. $ Inhalational anesthetics (and presumably PDZ2WT peptide) can also inhibit interactions between PSD-95 PDZ2 domain and Shaker-type potassium channel Kv1.4 as well as other excitatory receptor channels related to anesthesia and other proteins not shown here for simplicity 26.