Bacteria were subcultured repeatedly in LB broth containing lysozyme-chitosan oligosaccharide conjugate (LYZOX) or the mixture (lysozyme and chitosan oligosaccharide). They were evaluated for their change of susceptibility to LYZOX or mixture. The control was not subcultured. (a) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (NBRC 13275), (b) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PAO1), (c) Acinetobacter baumannii (JCM 6841), (d) MRSA (IID 1677). For MRSA, the test of mixture was finished because antibacterial resistance of the mixture was confirmed at the fourth transfer. Symbols: filled circles, LYZOX, subcultured; filled rhombuses, LYZOX, control; open circles, mixture, subcultured; open rhombuses, mixture, control.