Figure 1. Treatment of total extracellular RNA with T4 polynucleotide kinase followed by small-RNA-sequencing.
(A) Total RNA was isolated from 450 μl serum or platelet-depleted EDTA, acid citrate dextrose (ACD), and heparin plasma from 6 healthy individuals and purified using silica-based spin columns. Half of the RNA was treated with T4 polynucleotide kinase (T4 PNK) and repurified (PNK treated), and multiplexed small-RNA-sequencing (sRNA-seq) libraries were prepared separately for the untreated (libraries 1 and 3) and PNK-treated RNA (libraries 2 and 4). (B) Differences in read annotation in the 4 sample types for untreated RNA and PNK-treated RNA using initial annotation settings (reads 12–42 nt, up to 2 mismatches, multimapping). (C) Differences in ex‑mRNA capture between untreated and PNK-treated RNA using final annotation criteria (reads >15 nt, no mismatch and up to 2 mapping locations). Box plots show the median and first and third quartiles (bottom and top hinges). Whiskers extend at most ×1.5 interquartile range from the hinges; any data outside this are shown as individual outlier points. Shown are results from n = 6 individual samples per condition.