Figure 5. Changes in ex‑mRNAs and ex‑miRNAs in patients with ACS compared with controls.
(A) MA plot of ex-miRNA changes with color coding of miRNAs highly expressed in platelets, defined as the top 85% miRNAs. (B and C) MA plots of ex-mRNA changes with color coding highly of expressed neutrophil genes (B) or platelet genes (C). Navy blue: highly expressed and FDR >5%; light blue: highly expressed and FDR <5%; red: not highly expressed and FDR <5%; gray: all other. Highlighted miRNAs (A) include the myocardium-specific miR-208b; miR-223, which is highly but not specifically expressed in neutrophils; and miR-24, which is highly but not specifically expressed in megakaryocytes (platelet precursor). Highlighted mRNAs are selected highly enriched neutrophils (B) or platelets (C) transcripts. (D) Heatmap showing altered ex‑mRNAs in the ACS group compared with healthy controls. Selected neutrophil-enriched mRNAs are indicated on the right. (E) RNA-seq read coverage of the 523 nt S100A8 transcript in ACS group and healthy controls (downsampled to 600,000 reads). Transcript structure indicated at the bottom with the 3 exons in alternating intensities of gray, and the 5′/3′ UTRs as thin bars.