Figure 11. Uptake of damaged erythrocytes by human monocytes in vitro.
PBMCs were incubated with PKH26-labeled heat-stressed RBCs (A, n = 5 healthy donors) at a ratio of 10 RBCs per PBMC for the indicated time points. PKH26 positivity in monocyte subpopulations was determined by flow cytometry. Monocyte subpopulations were defined as described in Supplemental Figure 2A (red: classical; gray: intermediate; blue: nonclassical monocytes). Representative cytometry plots are shown. Graphs show percentages of PKH26+ cells in each monocyte subset. Each point represents 1 measurement, bars denote mean, and error bars represent SEM. The donor is represented by symbol shape. RBC uptake rate in classical monocytes and differences in uptake rate between classical monocytes and the particular subset were determined with a second-order linear model. All estimates are shown with 95% CI. Estimate P values were calculated with 2-tailed t test. ANOVA statistics are presented in Supplemental Table 7.