Symbol | Definition | Value | Symbol | Definition | Value |
τmPC | PC membrane time constant | 50 ms | NPC | Number of PCs in recurrent network | 3000 (Figures 2–3) 12000 (Figure 4) |
EPCleak | PC leak potential | −68 mV | NINH | Number of INHs in recurrent network | 300 (Figures 2–3) 1200 (Figure 4) |
vPCth | PC spike threshold | −36 mV | wPC,G | Gating input weight without LTP-IE | 0.8216 (Figures 2–3) 0.5 (Figure 4) |
τPCr | PC refractory period | 8 ms | wPC,PC | Excitatory recurrent weight scale factor | 2.6 |
τmINH | INH membrane time constant | 5 ms | wminPC,PC | Min nonzero recurrent weight | .1 |
EPCleak | INH leak potential | −60 mV | wPC,INH | INH→PC connection weight | 0.02 (Figures 2–3) 0.002 (Figure 4) |
vPCth | INH spike threshold | −50 mV | wINH,PC | PC→INH connection weight | .03 |
τPCr | INH refractory period | 2 ms | pPC,INH | INH→PC connection probability | 0.5 |
EE | Excitatory synaptic reversal potential | 0 mV | pINH,PC | PC→INH connection probability | 0.5 |
τE | Excitatory synaptic time constant | 2 ms | rG | Gating input firing rate | 125 Hz (Figures 2–3) 200 Hz (Figure 4) |
EI | Inhibitory synaptic reversal potential | −80 mV | λPC,PC | Excitatory recurrent connectivity length scale | .053 m |
τI | Inhibitory synaptic time constant | 2 ms | σmax | Max LTP-IE value | 2 (Figures 2–3) 1.84 (Figure 4) |
rmax | Max position-driven firing rate | 20 Hz | rσ | Threshold firing rate for LTP-IE | 10 Hz |
λPL | Position-tuning length constant | 0.15 m | βσ | Scale factor for LTP-IE onset | 1 |
ΔT | Simulation time step | 0.5 ms |