Symbol | Definition | Value | Symbol | Definition | Value |
N | Total number of neurons | 4096 (64 × 64) | nmax | Max number of active neurons at a timestep | 10 |
NX | Number of neurons in each row of environment | 64 | λxy | Connectivity length scale | 0.25 m |
NY | Number of neurons in each column of environment | 64 | λθ | Connectivity orientation-length scale | π/7 radians |
Nθ | Number of equally spaced orientations | 8 | σX, σY | LTP-IE length scales | 0.2 m |
vth | Spike threshold | 11 | σθ | LTP-IE orientation-length scale | π/16 radians |
iG | Gate input | 5 | β | LTP-IE sigmoid steepness | 20 |
τr | Refractory period | six timesteps | T | Number of timesteps in simulation | 50 timesteps |