N |
Total number of neurons |
2400 |
Number of switchboard neurons receiving sensory projections |
200 |
NS |
Number of neurons in each sensory ensemble |
100 |
Number of switchboard neurons projecting to one motor ensemble |
200 |
NM |
Number of neurons in each motor ensemble |
100 |
nBS |
Number of sensory neurons projecting to each switchboard neuron receiving sensory input |
10 |
NB |
Number of neurons in switchboard ensemble |
2000 |
nMB |
Number of motor neurons receiving projections from each switchboard neuron projecting to motor ensembles |
25 |
vth |
Spike threshold |
10 |
wMM |
Recurrent connection strength within each motor ensemble |
0.35 |
iG |
Gate input |
3 |
wBS |
Connection strength from sensory ensemble to switchboard neurons |
0.88 |
τr |
Refractory period |
five timesteps |
wMB |
Connection strength from switchboard to motor ensemble neurons |
2.33 |
nmax |
Max number of neurons active at a timestep |
50 |
T |
Number of timesteps in simulation |
five timesteps |