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. 2019 May 13;8:e44324. doi: 10.7554/eLife.44324
Symbol Definition Value Symbol Definition Value
N Total number of neurons 2400 NBS Number of switchboard neurons receiving sensory projections 200
NS Number of neurons in each sensory ensemble 100 NMB Number of switchboard neurons projecting to one motor ensemble 200
NM Number of neurons in each motor ensemble 100 nBS Number of sensory neurons projecting to each switchboard neuron receiving sensory input 10
NB Number of neurons in switchboard ensemble 2000 nMB Number of motor neurons receiving projections from each switchboard neuron projecting to motor ensembles 25
vth Spike threshold 10 wMM Recurrent connection strength within each motor ensemble 0.35
iG Gate input 3 wBS Connection strength from sensory ensemble to switchboard neurons 0.88
τr Refractory period five timesteps wMB Connection strength from switchboard to motor ensemble neurons 2.33
nmax Max number of neurons active at a timestep 50 T Number of timesteps in simulation five timesteps