(A) Overlay of the tetrameric cytoplasmic assemblies from TRPV3WT (orange) and TRPV3K169A (blue). Close-up view single ARD shows that the tetrameric assemblies cannot be superposed through a rigid body rotation. (B) Individual ARDs, not attached to the tetrameric assembly, from TRPV3WT (orange) and TRPV3K169A (blue) can be superposed. (C) In the TRPV3WT (orange, bottom) structure there is no coupling between the AR5 (magenta) and the HLHCD (orange). However, in TRPV3K169A (blue, top) upon coil-to-helix transition in the distal CTD (red), the CTD-AR5 (magenta) interaction forces a change in conformation in the loop of AR5, bringing it within interaction distance of HLHCD (orange). (D) Surface representation of the overlay between single protomers of TRPV3WT (orange cartoon, gray surface) and TRPV3K169A (blue cartoon, blue surface). The overlay shows that the TM domains overlay well, while the cytoplasmic domains exhibit substantial differences. The cytoplasmic assembly of TRPV3K169A (right panel) swivels, so that the N-terminal part is lifted up toward the membrane while the C-terminal part is lowered into the cytosol. The line drawn between the tip of the βCD and residue A110 in AR1 indicates the relative movement within the cytoplasmic assembly.