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. 2019 May 29;19(Suppl 1):602. doi: 10.1186/s12889-019-6812-3

Table 1.

Characteristics of female sex workers living with HIV by site of recruitment in Cameroon, 2015–2016 (n = 481)

n = 481
n = 120
n = 122
n = 61
n = 101
n = 77
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
ANC attendance at last pregnancy < 0.001
No, did not attend 75 (15.6%) 20 (16.7%) 35 (28.7%) 4 (6.6%) 3 (3.0%) 13 (16.9%)
Attended 406 (84.4%) 100 (83.3%) 87 (71.3%) 57 (93.4%) 98 (97.0%) 64 (83.1%)
Age, years
 18–24 43 (8.9%) 6 (5.0%) 6 (4.9%) 15 (24.6%) 6 (5.9%) 10 (13.0%) < 0.001
 25–34 182 (37.9%) 46 (38.3%) 39 (32.0%) 28 (45.9%) 29 (28.7%) 40 (52.0%)
 35+ 256 (53.2%) 68 (56.7%) 77 (63.1%) 18 (29.5%) 66 (65.4%) 27 (35.0%)
Education completeda
 Primary or less 217 (45.2%) 38 (31.7%) 60 (49.2%) 22 (36.7%) 68 (67.3%) 29 (37.7%) < 0.001
 Some secondary 237 (49.4%) 74 (61.7%) 57 (46.7%) 36 (60.0%) 25 (24.8%) 25 (58.4%)
 Secondary or more 26 (5.4%) 8 (6.6%) 5 (4.1%) 2 (3.3%) 8 (7.9%) 3 (3.9%)
Monthly income
  ≤ 100,000 XAF 329 (68.4%) 87 (72.5%) 47 (38.5%) 39 (63.9%) 99 (98.0%) 57 (74.0%) < 0.001
  > 100,000 XAF 152 (31.6%) 33 (27.5%) 75 (61.5%) 22 (36.1%) 2 (2.0%) 20 (26.0%)
Years selling sex
 0–2 years 109 (22.7%) 24 (20.0%) 24 (19.6%) 21 (34.4%) 10 (9.9%) 30 (39.0%) < 0.001
 3–9 years 228 (47.4%) 60 (50.0%) 70 (57.4%) 20 (47.5%) 35 (34.7%) 34 (44.1%)
 10+ years 144 (29.9%) 36 (30.0%) 28 (23.0%) 11 (18.0%) 56 (55.4%) 13 (16.9%)
Awareness of HIV status
 No awareness of status 230 (47.8%) 56 (46.7%) 49 (40.2%) 36 (59.0%) 34 (33.7%) 55 (71.4%) < 0.001
 Aware of status 251 (52.2%) 64 (53.3%) 73 (59.8%) 25 (41.0%) 67 (66.3%) 22 (28.6%)
Number of living children
 One 132 (27.4%) 28 (23.3%) 43 (35.3%) 13 (21.3%) 21 (20.8%) 27 (35.0%) 0.02
 Two 145 (30.2%) 47 (39.2%) 28 (23.0%) 19 (31.2%) 27 (26.7%) 24 (31.2%)
 More than two 204 (42.4%) 45 (37.5%) 51 (41.7%) 29 (47.5%) 53 (52.5%) 26 (33.8%)
Future pregnancy intentions
 None 267 (55.5%) 55 (45.8%) 81 (66.4%) 36 (59.0%) 68 (67.3%) 27 (35.1%) < 0.001
 Want more children 214 (44.5%) 65 (54.2%) 41 (33.6%) 25 (41.0%) 33 (32.7%) 50 (64.9%)
Network sizeb
Mean 13.4 14.4 20.3 13.8 9.7 5.3 < 0.001
Standard deviation 22.3 25.5 29.7 19.8 12.5 6.3

aData missing on education (n = 1). Bolded results represent results that are statistically significant at least at the p < 0.05 level

bSignificant differences calculated using Bartlett’s test for equal variances. To get at network size, women were asked “how many female sex workers have you met in the past week?”