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. 2019 May 22;10:973. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00973
Excerpt 2c
Participants: STEFAN, ANNE, Karen (preschool teacher), and sb (smartboard)
1 Sb graphic file with name fpsyg-10-00973-i006.jpg
When somebody pulls my hair?
2 (2.3)
3 Karen What feeling do we get then? When somebody pulls our hair?
4 STEFAN ((Walks up to the smartboard)) that one ((and points to the red teddy bear)) no that one ((points to the green one))
5 Karen Do you get happy?
6 STEFAN Mm:: ((turns to the red teddy bear)) no: ((points to the red teddy bear and looks at the preschool teacher))
7 Karen Sad?
8 STEFAN Yes =
9 Sb Angry!
10 ANNE Angry.
11 Stefan Ye::s
12 KAREN How angry do you get? ((Points with the mouse on the screen))
13 Sb Angry (.) very angry (.) quite angry (.) a bit angry?
14 STEFAN Uh:::quite angry ((presses on the drawing in the middle of the screen))
Written and informed consent was obtained from the adult and the parents of the child for publication of transcriptions of discourse data and images.