Analysis of K562-C15orf41 over-expressing clones during hemin-induced erythroid differentiation. (A) FLAG-C15orf41 mRNA relative expression to β-actin of K562 cells stably over-expressing C15orf41-WT, -Y94S, and -H230P compared to the EV. Data derived from two experiments are presented as mean ± SD. P value by Student’s t-test. ∗P < 0.05. (B) WB analysis of K562 cells stably over-expressing C15orf41-WT, -H230P, and -Y94S compared to the EV. The histogram shows the densitometric quantification based on the β-actin. Data derived from two experiments are presented as mean ± SD. Sizes (in kDa) are on the left. (C) Erythroid differentiation markers of C15orf41-K562 stable clones. The histogram shows the percentage of CD71+/CD125+ cells at two days of hemin treatment normalized on untreated cells (0 days). Data derived from two experiments are presented as mean ± SD. P value by Student’s t-test. ∗P < 0.05. (D) The histograms show the number of K562 over-expressing pCMV-tag1-C15orf41-WT, -Y94S, and -H230P cells on total events (%) in G1, S, and G2 phases of the cell cycle. Data derived from two experiments are presented as mean ± SD. (E) Immunofluorescence analysis of K562 stable clones is shown. Rabbit anti-C15orf41 antibody was used to stain C15orf41 protein. DRAQ5 was used as a nuclear marker. Overlapping of both signals (MERGE) is shown at the bottom.