Table 1.
Various material properties of soft- and hard-type SFCs.
Parameter | Symbol | Hard-Type SFC (Mn-doped PMN-PZT) | Soft-Type SFC (W-doped PMN-PZT) | Units |
Density | ρ | 7800 | 7900 | kg/m3 |
Volume | (l × b × h) | 28 × 14 × 0.2 | 28 × 14 × 0.2 | mm3 |
Dielectric constant | ε 33 | 2250 | 3962 | |
Dielectric loss | tanδ | 0.0018 | 0.005 | |
Mechanical loss | tanθ | 0.003 | 0.010 | |
Electromechanical coupling factor | k 32 | 0.697 | 0.726 | |
Piezoelectric charge constant | d 32 | −850 | −1850 | 10−12 C/N |
Elastic compliance | s 22 E | 45.9 | 110.04 | 10−12 m2/N |