The expression pattern of the flavonoids structure genes in the transgenic lines. The black solid arrows represent the catalytic reactions. The upward red arrow represents the overexpression of the SmANS gene. Wt, the controls that were untransformed wild Salvia miltiorrhiza plants. Ev, the controls that only transformed the empty vector in S. miltiorrhiza. A9, A64, and A34, three transgenic lines of SmANS-overexpressed in S. miltiorrhiza. A1-w, transgenic line of SmANS-overexpressing in S. miltiorrhiza Bge f. alba. Ev-w, the controls that only transformed the empty vector in S. miltiorrhiza Bge f. alba. Wt-w, the controls that were untransformed wild S. miltiorrhiza Bge f. alba plants. The vertical bars show the SD values from three independent biological replicates. (*) indicated a significant difference (0.01 < p < 0.05). (**) indicated a very significant difference (p < 0.01).