Abnormal phenotype seen in HH29 OFT‐banded hearts. (A) Controls (a,a’) displayed a normal external phenotype with an epicardium of normal size with no ruffles or blebbing (denoted by white arrow). The OFT‐banded hearts (b,b’) exhibited an enlarged epicardium with ruffles on the epicardial surface and blebbing (red arrows). Scale bars: 1 mm (a,b), 0.5 mm (a’,b’). (B) In controls (a), the interventricular septum which grows in a superior direction has fused with the cushion in the control embryos. However, this fusion failed to occur in the OFT‐banded hearts (b), which led to a formation of an opening (asterisk) and thus a communication between the ventricles (a ventricular septal defect). An aberrant epicardium can also be seen in the OFT‐banded hearts (arrows). Scale bars: 1000 μm (a,b). (C) An enlarged epicardial volume was found in OFT‐banded (OFT) hearts in comparison with shams (control). Significant differences are indicated: *P < 0.05. Error bars indicate SEM. LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.