Figure 2.
Denver case characterization. Hourly and 24-hr PM2.5 concentrations (μg/m3, red line), 24-hr PM2.5 concentrations (μg/m3, red dots), wind speed (m/s, blue line), whether the monitoring site was upwind (0 to 180 degrees) or downwind (180 to 360 degrees) of the freeway (black bars), NOx concentrations (ppb, green line), NO concentrations (ppb, gold line), NO2 concentrations (ppb, teal line), and temperature (°F, orange line) at the near-road site in Denver during 2−12 February 2014. Also shown are vehicle speeds on I-25 (northbound, purple line; southbound, dark pink line) and traffic volume on I-25 (black line). Traffic data are for I-25 at 6th Ave., approximately 700 m south of the monitoring site.