Protein modelling of the p.(Met163Arg) substitution. (A) Cartoon and surface representations of the modelled structure of MLC3 (cyan) bound to the IQ motif of the myosin heavy chain MHC (green). The MHC region contacting the MLC3 is depicted in orange. Met163 on MLC3 is represented as sticks and colored in cyan; Leu802, located on the IQ domain and interacting with Met163, is colored in orange. Met163 on MLC3 is represented as sticks and coloured in cyan; Leu802, located on the IQ domain and interacting with Met163, is coloured in orange. (B) Left: Electrostatic potential calculated separately for MLC3 and for the IQ motif of MHC and mapped on their molecular surfaces. Potentials less than −5 kT/e are coloured in red, and those greater than +5 kT/e are depicted in blue. The position of Met163 is indicated by a yellow star. Right: same as in left, but with the IQ motif represented as a cartoon and shown in the position it occupies when interacting with MLC3.