Figure 1.
Body weight and plasma glucose WT and AMPK β1−/− mice. (A) Weekly body weight (g) up to 28 days after diabetes induction. WT control n = 15, WT diabetic n = 13, AMPK β1−/− control n = 9, AMPK β1−/− diabetic n = 8. **P < 0.01 diabetic vs non‐diabetic. Mean + SD. (B) Weekly plasma glucose levels following STZ treatment. WT control n = 10, WT diabetic n = 12, AMPK β1−/− control n = 6, AMPK β1−/− diabetic n = 13. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, diabetic WT vs diabetic AMPK β1−/− mice. Mean + standard deviation [Colour figure can be viewed at]