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. 2019 Apr 26;9(10):6096–6104. doi: 10.1002/ece3.5193

Table 1.

Results of phylogenetic generalized linear regression model (PGLS), accounting for variation in relative flight initiation distance (FID) in relation to flock size, starting distance, habitat (urban or rural), latitude, and diet in gregarious bird species

Variables Estimate SE t p
(Intercept) 0.109 0.047 2.335 0.019
Flock 0.007 0.001 6.220 <0.0001
Starting distance 0.005 0.001 10.163 <0.0001
Latitude −0.001 0.001 −1.218 0.223
Habitat (urban) −0.175 0.012 −14.084 <0.0001
Diet (granivorous) −0.064 0.038 −1.652 0.097
Diet (granivorousinsectivorous) −0.119 0.031 −3.877 0.0001
Diet (insectivorous) −0.149 0.037 −3.992 0.0001

Models were based on data from eight European countries, weighted by sample size for species of birds. Significant variables are highlighted in bold. Model statistics: residual standard error: 0.584, degrees of freedom: 1,146 total; 1,137 residual, R 2 = 0.202. SE: standard error.