Figure 2.
This shows the potential mediational roles of head of household education, head of household marital status, poverty, caregiver perceptions of safety, and caregiver perceptions of community order and resources. Poverty and head of household marital status were categorical variables with dichotomous coding reflecting poverty (1) vs. non-poverty (0) groups and married (1) vs. not married (0). For all other variables, higher scores represent higher degrees of the construct represented (e.g., higher perceived safety). Positive relations are indicated by ‘+’ and negative relations are indicated by ‘−’ above each significant path. Significant paths are bolded in black and non-significant paths are gray. Additionally, gender and age were also examined as covariates but are not displayed here. The cross-lagged and auto-regressive relationships between violence and related symptoms at follow-up assessments (i.e., the violence and symptom cascades) were also included in this model, but are not displayed here in order to enhance clarity in the mediational roles here. The autoregressive and cross-lagged configuration is the same as the one depicted in Figure 1.