Figure 4.
Indian patients with PTB exhibit increased molecular degree of perturbation than Chinese independent of disease extension status. PTB patients from both countries were stratified based on lung disease extension using smear acid-fast bacilli (AFB) status (negative or positive) and radiographic distribution of lung lesions (unilateral or bilateral). (A) Hierarchical cluster analysis (Ward’s method with 100X bootstrap) was employed to illustrate the overall expression profile of the biomarkers in PTB patients stratified per AFB smear status and lung disease extension. Dendrograms represent Euclidean distance. (B,C) Left panels: Histograms show the single sample molecular degree of perturbation (MDP) score values in the subgroups of PTB patients. Right panels: Scatter plots of the summary data for each country are shown. (D) MDP score values were also compared between the subgroups of PTB patients between India and China. Lines in the scatter plots represent median values. Data were compared using the Mann–Whitney U test.