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. 2019 Apr 3;27(7):2371–2384. doi: 10.1007/s00520-019-04749-6

Table 2.

Summary of findings: modified due to study types. Patients or population: patients with incurable cancer. Settings: outpatient. Intervention: multi-modal rehabilitation programmes comprising exercise and nutritional elements. Comparison: where available-standard care

Patient- important outcomes Studies N = total participants* (breakdown per outcome measure) Quality of the body of evidence (GRADE) Comments
Quality of life 3 [22, 23, 26]

N = 214

129 (ESAS)

41 (EQ-VAS)

44 (EORTC C30)

Low (C) Two moderate quality studies with conflicting results, one low-quality study showing improvement, studies have limitations and inconsistencies in outcome variables.
Overall function 2 [25, 28]

N = 81

56 (ECOG PS)

25 (KPS)

Very low (D) Two studies with low and very low-quality examined changes in functional status scores, one finding significant and one non-significant improvements. Sparse data with limitations.
Fatigue 4 [22, 24, 26, 28]

N = 203

22 (BFI)

137 (MDFI)

44 (EORTC QLQ-C30)

Low (C) Two low, one very low-quality studies with limitations showing significant improvements in fatigue in spite of sparse data, and one high-quality (underpowered) study showing non-significant improvements in intervention group compared to control
Physical endurance/strength 6 [22, 2428]

N = 342

6MWT (342)

HGS (64 within two of the above studies)

Moderate (B) Six studies with quality overall low quality, with limitations: variable consistency in significance levels but overall magnitude of effect seen was improvement in spite of low statistical power of studies: GRADE of evidence increased (+2)
Depression 6 [1, 23, 24, 2628]

N = 371

211 (ESAS)

124 (HADS)

36 (SCNS-LF59)

Moderate (B) Overall low-quality studies with limitations but GRADE of evidence increased (+2) due to studies all showing consistent significant improvements in depression/psychological subscales.
Nutrition/weight 5 [24, 26, 28]

N = 285

107 (PG-SGA)

178 (weight)

Very low (D) Five studies of overall low quality with serious limitations and indirectness (variable interventions). Two low-quality/very low–quality studies showed improved PG-SGA scores but the highest quality RCT showed only significant increases in protein intake. Evidence not strong enough to be upgraded.

*Total participants include numbers actually analysed within studies for each outcome as opposed to Table 1 showing ‘N’ as numbers enrolled into each trial